​​​​​​pascack valley FOOTBALL

Welcome to another season of Pascack Valley Football! The Pascack Valley Gridiron Club is a group of football parents who help support the PV Football program both financially and socially with team events.  Our primary goal is to support, assist and motivate our football players and coaches. We accomplish this through our pre-game meals, annual awards dinner, fundraising events, team social events and game day support. 
It’s the goal of the Gridiron Club to have every player join the club to support all players and Pascack Valley HS Football .  Senior football players who are a member of the Gridiron Club will receive a complimentary ticket to the annual awards dinner in December. 

The membership fee and fundraising activities directly support the following events and activities:

Team Pool Party - all levels
Technology to film games
Coaches Wishlist 
Senior Night - player banners and decorations 
Varsity Pre-Game Meals 

Freshman Pre-Game Snack
Team Spirit Wear 
Complimentary awards dinner ticket for Coaches
Complimentary awards dinner ticket for Senior players
Senior Gifts 

2024 Gridiron Board

President – Scott Shaw
Vice President- Nancy DaCosta
Secretary - Antoinette Colletti
Treasurer – Jose DaCosta 
Fundraiser – Angela Shaw