pascack valley FOOTBALL
Support the Pascack Valley High School Gridiron Club
Make a Real Difference!
As a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the Pascack Valley High School Gridiron Club is dedicated to supporting our young athletes.Your generous donations help make a positive impact. Here are some exciting ways you can get involved:
Matching Corporate Gifts: Double Your Donation! Your donations may be eligible for matching by your employer! Many employers offer matching gift programs. Check with your HR department to see if your company participates.
Blitz Cards: Spread the team spirit and show your support with our limited edition Blitz Cards!
Squeaky Clean Car Wash: Get your car sparkling while supporting a great cause!
Join us for our Car Wash on June 15 at PVHS. Calling all parents! Lend a hand and make this a fun event for everyone.
Dine Out Events: Enjoy delicious meals and support the PVHS Gridiron Club! Partnering restaurants will donate a portion of proceeds - check our website for participating locations!
Gear Up and Show Your Pride: Deck yourself out in awesome PVHS Gridiron Club spirit wear! Our Spirit Wear Sale comming soon
50/50 Home Gameday Raffle:Try Your Luck! Enter our exciting 50/50 Raffle for a chance to win big!
Gameday Grub: Fuel your cheers with delicious concessions at our Gameday stand! Parents, we need your help!Volunteer to run the concession stand and ensure a smooth gameday experience.
Business Sponsorship: The PVHS Gridiron Club invites businesses to partner with us in supporting our football program and student-athletes. Sponsors will gain valuable exposure to a dedicated and engaged audience of parents, students, and community members. Click this link for more information.
Every contribution, big or small, gets us closer to our goal.
We're also looking for parents to offer their support in helping manage some of these fundraising activities. Your help is invaluable!
Let's work together to make a difference for the Pascack Valley High School Gridiron Club!!!
Please contact Gridiron Club for opportunities to support pascackvalleygridironclub@gmail.com
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